Gardening is a matter of your enthusiasm holding up
until your back gets used to it.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

People in the Neighborhood

This photograph is from November of last year. Our friendly neighborhood goanna. I would say this fella is of medium size. About an hour before this particular picture was taken, my wife Holly had spotted him passing by the garden on his way to the coop where we keep the chickens, no doubt, with lunch on his mind.

I ran down from the house, long scythe in hand ready to defend my egg layin' ladies. He kept strutting right passed the chooks paying me no mind as he made his way into the forest. An hour later he re-emerged not 5ft. from our deck!

From time to time I hear the local birds go into a frenzy and I have no doubt if it isn't a snake it's this guy.

Monday, February 8, 2010

My first blog

I know it's the trendy decision... start a blog and share with others. In all honesty, I never thought of myself as someone who would have a blog. The truth is I need to.

This blog will be dedicated to my endeavors in permaculture. I began only a couple years ago as a total novice having planted the odd vegetable in my mother-in-law's vegie patch. I would now consider myself someone with passion for such work but still on the short end of the learning curve. I am hoping that this blog will provide me with an outlet for my success, failures and frustrations, as I believe my partner may be a tad weary of hearing another woeful rant about bandicoots or lack of rain.

As this is my first foray into the world of blogdom, I can only request any followers be patient with me and my pention for making all kinds of correlations between gardening and life. Sometimes I find them to be profound and get a bit carried away lol... while you might find yourself saying "what is this clown on about?"

One Love.